After taking them out, continue moving forward and climb up the two walls in front of you until you get to the next combat area. If you enjoyed the previous instalments, you will most likely enjoy this one as it's more of the same with a few refinements to improve on the flaws from before. He will be at the southwest corner of the courtyard (looking at the map), near a wooden gate. The PROLOGUE will end once the cutscene concludes. You can click the right thumbstick to see which bushes/areas are safe for stealth. Turn the wheel to pull the cart up the hill. It features some new traversal techniques, a first small puzzle to solve and some good enemy encounters to farm a lot of the kill-related trophies. The game should prompt you at the right time.

Again, when you get to the bottom, run and jump towards the wall directly in front. Then, begin to rappel down and use the left or right trigger and move the left thumbstick back-and-forth at the same time to generate enough momentum in the swing to jump and land on the slab in front of you. Shadow of the Tomb Raider guide: Paititi mirror puzzle challenge tomb. After clearing that area, push all the way right in order to avoid the debris. Once you escape the cave, walk forward until you get to the end of the path, and a prompt should pop up on the wall on the right, telling you to Press X to begin climbing.

After doing that, a prompt will pop up, showing you how to assassinate the other bad guy by using your bow. When you're done, dive into the water and begin swimming forward. At that time, continue to walk past the guard and down the pathway, going around the building. If you've finished a level and are still missing a few collectibles, check the Quick Collectibles Guides and annotated level maps. (That color is an indication of what rocks players can climb throughout the game.) Take down the person operating the generator and then go to left. Tomb Raider | Cozumel - Mission Walkthrough & Challenges - GameWith GameWith uses cookies and IP addresses. You'll need to be fast to clear the next part. This Chapter marks the end of the journey as she becomes the all popular Tomb Raider.