Don't screw over your Made Men, fool.Ĭastle assaults are kinda gimpy, since your men have no desire to be led from the front, and elbow your noble ass out of the way.so you (the most potent combatant on the board) get onto the battlements.just as the last of your men falls. Seriously, you capture a castle solo, and King Vikingpants awards it to.King Vikingpants. Very disappointed in the Kerghits, as the mounted archers require so much micromanagement to make them act like mounted archers. You do have to run interference on horseback when they are fighting Swadians, though, as Knights and Men-at-arms can ride them down if left unmolested. Once you get a few of them, you can take most castles. Nords: Nord Huscarls and Veterans are basically killing machines. Not as good as the Nords at storming castles, though. At that point, you can pretty much mangle any wandering enemy noble retinue. After a half-hour or so, you'll have a boatload of Swadian Men-at-arms (armored cavalry).who can crush just about any similarly-sized group of mid-level enemies. Get a bunch of recruits, scam a Count or two out of some denars, and head to the practice ground.